A standby generator or backup generator can be a fantastic addition to your home. With a standby generator, you’ll never need to worry about losing power in a blackout since the unit will automatically run and supply electricity to your home. As with most types of machinery, standby generators will only work effectively if they are properly maintained. Learn more about what generator maintenance includes and why it’s so important today.

Why Annual Generator Maintenance Is Essential

No matter what type or brand of standby generator you have, you should always have it inspected, serviced and maintained by a professional at least once a year. While some maintenance tasks, such as changing spark plugs, can wait two to three years, other items require annual maintenance in order to perform the right way.

One important yearly maintenance task is checking the condition of the battery and making sure it still properly holds a charge. If the electrician determines the battery is going out, you should replace it. When inspecting the generator, they will also make sure that no water has gotten inside the engine and test the unit for fuel leaks. Checking the sediment trap is also important as this prevents moisture and particles from getting inside the engine and fuel regulator. Once the inspection is done, the electrician will also clean any debris from inside the unit.

Having your generator maintained annually will help to prevent most issues from arising and lessen the need for repairs. Maintenance can also help to prolong the engine life of your generator so that it continues working for many years to come. Most standby generators are rated to last for anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 running hours, which means your unit may keep working for 20 to 40 years depending on how much you use it. The lifespan of your standby generator will be greatly decreased if you don’t take the necessary steps to ensure it is well maintained.

Changing Your Generator’s Oil

Just like the engine in your car, you need to change the oil in your generator to ensure the engine stays properly lubricated. If you don’t change the oil, it will eventually become so dirty and thick that it can’t flow through the engine properly. This will lead to the components no longer being lubricated and can cause the engine to seize up and burn out, which will ruin your generator, resulting in the need for replacement.

When you first have your standby generator installed, you’ll need to have the oil changed after it has run for around 25 hours. All new generators are usually filled by the manufacturer with SAE30 oil, which is the weight that must be used when first breaking the unit. Once the unit has run for a while, it is important to drain the oil and replace it with a 5w30 fully synthetic oil. This ensures that the generator can work and stay lubricated in colder temperatures. SAE30 oil becomes extremely thick in cold temperatures, leaving it unable to keep the engine lubricated.

After the initial oil change, most manufacturers recommend additional oil changes every two years or 400 hours, whichever comes first. It is important to note that the recommended oil change intervals can vary a bit between different generator models and brands. Your owner’s manual will list the specific interval for your unit, and you should always follow whatever the manufacturer recommends. Failing to change the oil often enough will likely shorten your generator’s life and also put it at a much greater risk of breaking down any time it runs.

How Using Your Generator Keeps It Working Properly

All standby generators also need to be “exercised” regularly. Exercising a generator means having it turn on and run for somewhere around 30 minutes. Most manufacturers recommend exercising your generator once a week while others say doing it monthly is sufficient, and you should again make sure to follow whatever your owner’s manual says.

Exercising your generator by letting it run is important for several reasons. One reason is that running the unit allows oil to move through the engine to ensure it stays fully lubricated so it can work effectively whenever you need it to. Exercising the generator also reduces the chances of the internal components rusting and suffering damage. If the generator doesn’t run regularly, condensation can also build up inside the unit leading to rust and corrosion.

The other reason that exercising your generator is so important is that it allows you to monitor the unit’s performance. Monitoring the performance allows you to identify any potential issues before they lead to a serious problem or cause the generator to break down. When exercising your generator, you should always listen to the engine to make sure it isn’t running louder than normal or making any unusual noises. You’ll also want to check for issues like oil leaks, smoke and excessive exhaust. If you do notice any issues or if the low oil pressure alarm or any other alarms come on, you should immediately shut down the generator to avoid any damage occurring and then call to schedule an inspection.

The majority of standby generators allow you to program the exercise schedule in advance so that the unit will automatically run on a set day and time. It’s important that you program the unit to exercise at a time when you will be home so that you can monitor it. You also need to be home as you always want to check the oil level before ever running the generator. Before running the generator, you should also make sure to clean any leaves, dirt and debris from around the unit to ensure it has proper airflow. It’s also important to keep all vegetation trimmed back so that the generator has three feet of clearance on all sides. If the unit doesn’t have sufficient clearance and doesn’t receive sufficient airflow, it can easily start overheating and may suffer serious damage.

Most major generator manufacturers like Generac, Kohler and Briggs & Stratton have connected monitoring apps that you can download to your phone. These apps make it easy to set the exercise schedule and will send an alert to your phone if any issues arise when the unit is running so that you will always know if the generator needs any repairs or if you need to have it inspected. The app can also remind you when it’s time to schedule the annual maintenance service and alert you when you need to have the oil changed.

Davis & Green has been providing expert electrical services to the Richmond area for nearly 40 years, and we are the top choice for generator installation, maintenance and repairs. We offer a wide range of high-quality generators from trusted brands like Generac and Kohler, and our team can do whatever it takes to keep your generator running. For more information on the importance of maintaining your generator or to schedule any generator, electrical, plumbing or HVAC service, give us a call today.

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