Your HVAC equipment is the largest energy consumer in your entire home. And your air conditioning unit can account for around 70% of your energy expenses during the hot summer months and 12% of your annual energy expenditures. Increased energy bills, frequent cycles, unusual sounds, and ice buildup on the compressor are common signs of an inefficient cooling unit. Improving the efficiency of your air conditioning unit can extend the life of your system and save you a lot of money in the long run. Here are nine proven ways to keep your cooling unit running efficiently and smoothly this summer.

1. Insulate Your Roofs and Exposed Ductwork

The attic has a significant effect on your home’s temperature. If the attic is extremely cool, the temperatures in your house will also drop. Insulated and energy-efficient roofs can help keep out hot air during the summer season. They protect your home from extremely high temperatures, making the work of your air conditioning unit easier.

Also, check your home’s ductwork for leaks, especially in the crawlspace beneath your house, utility room, basement, and garage. While you can determine if there’s a problem with your air ducts, you should allow a professional to fix the problem. The experts will fix the leakages and insulate your ductwork using quality and professional-grade material. Insulation does not only make your AC more efficient, but it can also make a big difference in your summer heating bills.

2. Cover the Windows

The sun can warm your house quickly during the summer months. And your home’s interior can warm up faster if you don’t block the sun’s radiation from your home. To enhance your cooling unit’s performance, close the blinds and pull your curtains to block the sun’s rays. Covering your windows can reduce the heat entering your house, which prevents your air conditioner from overworking to maintain your desired temperatures.

Make it a habit to cover your windows before leaving for work in the mornings to ensure your house remains cool during the daytime. You can open your curtains and blinds to enjoy the friendly late-afternoon sun when you get back. This way, you’ll boost the efficiency of your AC without sacrificing your indoor comfort.

3. Change Air Filters

Your air conditioning unit will operate at optimal efficiency rates if it achieves maximum airflow. However, a dirty or clogged filter can significantly impact its performance. Dirty air filters reduce air quality inside your house and restrict airflow, making the work of your cooling unit even more challenging. Besides, running your cooling system with clogged filters can also lead to expensive AC repairs. Changing your unit’s filters is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to prevent AC efficiency issues.

4. Unblock and Clean Your Vents

The other way to boost your air conditioner’s efficiency this summer is by paying attention to your air vents. Your HVAC vents are responsible for distributing conditioned air throughout your house. If there are pieces of furniture or other items blocking your air vents, they hinder the flow of air you desperately need to keep you cool. As a result, your air conditioner will have to run more than usual to cool your living space.

It’s also a good idea to vacuum your air vents. Take time to remove dust and debris from the air supply vents in your home to maintain a steady flow of air through the air conditioner. Rearrange the furniture and remove any items to ensure each air vent is clear. You can also have a professional ductwork cleaning to enhance airflow through the cooling system.

5. Increase Temperatures on the Thermostat

The other smart way to reduce energy expenses is to avoid running your air conditioning unit when you don’t need it. Adjust your home’s thermostat manually by setting the indoor temperature higher in the morning before leaving for work and then turning it down at nighttime. But you can replace your manual thermostat with a smart one to make things easier.

A smart thermostat allows you to adjust your indoor temperatures automatically based on the set schedule. It can even lower or raise the temperature when it detects the presence or absence of people in your home. In addition, you can connect the smart device to your Wi-Fi network, enabling you to adjust temperatures remotely from your tablet or smartphone. Your cooling unit will only run when needed, boosting its performance and efficiency.

6. Use Ceiling Fans

Installing fans during the summer can help cool down your house and increase airflow. They evenly distribute cool air in a room, taking some work off your air conditioning system. Fans help your air conditioner shut off sooner than usual, increasing efficiency. Your air conditioner will not have to work harder to cool your living space throughout the summer season, reducing your home’s cooling bills. Furthermore, ceiling fans won’t impact your energy bill since they do not use much energy.

7. Install Zoning Systems

A zoned HVAC unit can regulate and direct air to areas of a house or a building utilizing dampers in the air ducts. These systems allow homeowners to enjoy higher efficiency and comfort by creating personalized temperature zones depending on their requirements. Since a zone system uses individual thermostats for each zone, you can easily and directly regulate the temperature of different parts of your home with dedicated thermostats. By controlling temperature based on the rooms, you can increase the efficiency of your cooling system.

8. Clear the AC’s Drain Line

When the temperature rises in summer, you want to ensure your air conditioning unit will run whenever it’s needed. A big part of an effective and reliable cooling unit is a proper functioning condensate line. Regular maintenance of your AC’s condensate line is essential in maintaining the cooling unit’s efficiency. When the line is clear, it can effortlessly remove moisture from the air conditioning system. That means it’ll be easier for the unit to run, minimizing overall strain and enhancing your system’s efficiency. Ensure cleaning the AC condensation line is on top of your summer maintenance checklist to keep your cooling unit running smoothly throughout the hot season.

9. Avoid Using Heat-Generating Appliances During Daytime

Big appliances, especially ovens, driers, and dishwashers, generate a lot of heat. Running any of these appliances during the daytime will add more workload and stress to your air conditioning unit, especially when outside temperatures are high. Create a schedule that helps you run these big appliances after the sun goes down. That will prevent your cooling system from overworking, boosting its overall efficiency.

Improve Your AC System’s Efficiency With the Cooling Professionals

Implementing these tips can help you boost the performance of your cooling unit and save you some bucks. However, the best way to boost your air conditioner’s efficiency is by scheduling regular maintenance with an experienced HVAC technician. Contact our cooling experts from Davis & Green today if you have concerns about your air conditioner’s efficiency. These professionals will inspect your home’s cooling unit and make the necessary recommendations to enhance its efficiency and your indoor comfort this summer.

We also provide plumbing, heating, electrical, and construction services to the residents of Richmond, VA, and its surroundings. Contact us today if you have any questions about AC efficiency or would like to order any of the other services we offer.

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